Fortifying Cybersecurity for One of India’s Leading Digital Entertainment Giants

Cyber Security As a Service
Attack Surface Management
Source Code Review
Security gap Analysis


A case study on enhancing cybersecurity for a major digital entertainment company through pentesting, attack surface analysis, security automation, and process improvements, uncovering vulnerabilities and ensuring long-term security through knowledge transfer.


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The client's extensive digital footprint, comprising numerous public-facing assets spread across multiple domains, presented a formidable challenge in comprehensively identifying and mitigating potential vulnerabilities. The scale and diversity of their digital presence demanded a sophisticated and thorough approach to security.

  • Rapidly Evolving Threat Landscape: The dynamic and ever-changing nature of cyber threats posed a significant challenge, requiring the client to continuously adapt their security strategies. Keeping pace with emerging threats while managing daily operations was a daunting task that demanded ongoing vigilance and agility
  • Resource and Skill Constraints: The client encountered substantial obstacles in mobilizing sufficient resources and expertise to effectively manage and execute the security enhancement project. The technical complexity of the security measures necessitated specialized skills and adequate staffing, which were initially lacking.
  • Organizational Change Management: Adopting new security processes and tools necessitated overcoming organizational inertia and achieving buy-in from all teams. The implementation of a security-first culture required extensive training and effective change management to align the entire organization with the new security protocols.


The client faced cybersecurity challenges due to a vast attack surface, evolving threats, and resource gaps, causing delays in critical security measures. Legacy systems and resistance to change added complexity, risking vulnerabilities and hindering security improvements. Addressing these issues was vital for strengthening their cybersecurity.

Problem Statement

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The customer faced major cybersecurity challenges due to their expansive digital presence, increasing the risk of vulnerabilities across numerous public-facing assets. The evolving threat landscape strains their resources, and gaps in skills and capacity hinder necessary security improvements. Outdated legacy systems complicate efforts to enhance security, while the risk of operational disruptions and resistance to change further impede progress. As a result, the client experiences regular security incidents, critical vulnerabilities, and data leaks.

Attack Surface Management

The organization lacked a complete inventory of its public-facing assets, making it difficult to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities effectively.

Inadequate Security Testing

Security testing was conducted on an ad-hoc basis, leaving potential vulnerabilities in unmanaged public facing assets and critical resources, unaddressed

Automated Security Scanning

The lack of automated security scanning tools meant that new vulnerabilities and changes in the attack surface could go undetected.

Solutions Implemented

To enhance security posture, a comprehensive approach was taken to address various vulnerabilities and strengthen overall security measures. The solutions implemented focused on improving attack surface visibility, conducting in-depth penetration testing, and establishing robust security processes and tools.

Attack Surface Enumeration

We deployed an attack surface management tool to systematically scan and identify all public-facing assets. This includes regular bi-weekly scans to ensure continuous detection of new or altered assets.

Wide Scope Penetration Testing

Conducted a thorough penetration test across all identified attack surfaces, with a detailed analysis of vulnerabilities categorized by severity. This testing aimed to uncover security weaknesses and provide actionable remediation steps.

Security Automation

We also deployed automated web/API vulnerability scanning capability, together with the attack surface discovery, and integrated tools for SAST and code review in the Ci/CD pipeline.

Process Improvement

Developed and introduced security checklists tailored for Dev, DevOps, and MSP teams, focusing on best practices and compliance. Established automated vulnerability scanning protocols for web applications, mobile applications, and infrastructure to maintain a proactive security stance.

Deliverable Summary

  • Penetration Test Report: Comprehensive report detailing findings from the wide-scope penetration test.
  • Dev Process Improvement:
    • Proposed Improvement Document: Recommendations for enhancing development security.
    • Secure Coding Checklist: Guidelines for secure coding practices.
    • MSP/DevOps Process Improvement: Proposed Improvement Document: Recommendations for improving security processes within the MSP and DevOps teams.
  • DAST/SAST Automation: Implemented automated DAST/SAST tools for development pipelines.
  • Attack Surface Enumeration: Setting up attack surface enumeration and management capabilities within the organisation.
  • Mobile App SAST:Setting up mobile app source code and static analysis capabilities.

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Key Discoveries

Asset Inventory

  • A detailed and comprehensive list of assets has been compiled, including servers, applications, and other critical components.

 Vulnerability Findings

  • 100+ security issues were identified across the assessed environment, reflecting a broad range of potential security weaknesses.
  • 25+ critical vulnerabilities were discovered. These represent severe risks that could lead to significant impact.

Before and After Comparison 
  • Incomplete Understanding of Public-Facing Assets: The lack of a comprehensive inventory made it difficult to manage and secure all assets effectively.
  • Ad-Hoc Security Testing with Limited Scope: Security testing was irregular and did not cover the full spectrum of potential vulnerabilities.
  • No Automated Tools for Continuous Monitoring and Scanning: The absence of automated tools resulted in potential gaps in security monitoring.
  • Security Processes Not Integrated into the Development Workflow: Security was treated as an afterthought, rather than being integrated into the development and operations processes.
  • Complete Enumeration of the Attack Surface Using Automated Tools: All public-facing assets were identified and documented, providing a clear picture of the attack surface.
  • Comprehensive Wide-Scope Penetration Testing Covering All Identified Assets: Thorough security testing was conducted, identifying and addressing a range of vulnerabilities.
  • Implementation of Automated Scanning Tools for Web, API, and Mobile Applications: State-of-the-art tools were deployed to provide continuous monitoring and scanning of assets

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Impact on Business

Improved Security Posture

The organization is now more aware of potential security risks and better equipped to address them.

Reduced Risk of Breach

Identified vulnerabilities have been mitigated, reducing the risk of exploitation& breach

Enhanced Trust and Confidence

Stakeholders and customers have greater confidence in the security measures.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

The Cyber Security Improvement project has laid a solid foundation for ongoing security enhancements. By identifying and mitigating numerous vulnerabilities and proposing continuous improvements, the project has ensured that the organization is well-prepared to address future security challenges.

Long-term Benefits

  • Continuous Monitoring and Discovery of New Assets and Vulnerabilities: Ongoing scanning and monitoring will ensure that new assets and vulnerabilities are promptly identified and addressed.
  • Regular Security Testing and Reviews: Periodic testing and reviews will help the organization stay ahead of potential threats.
  • Enhanced Security Processes Embedded within the Development Workflow: Security processes are now an integral part of the development lifecycle, ensuring ongoing attention to security. 
  • Improved Collaboration Between Security, Development, and Operations Teams: Enhanced communication and collaboration will lead to more effective security measures.

Regular Wide-Scope Penetration Tests

Regular testing will ensure that vulnerabilities are promptly identified and addressed.

Automated of Web and API Scanning

Further development and integration of automated tools will enhance efficiency and effectiveness.


Attack Surface Management is Crucial

A thorough understanding of the attack surface is essential for effective security testing.

Automation Enhances Efficiency

Automated tools for scanning and monitoring significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of security processes.

Integration of Security Processes

Embedding security tasks into the development workflow ensures continuous security improvements.

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